Monday, November 17, 2008

We're Alive!

Saturday Nov. 15th
The day that didn't exist

Sunday Nov. 16th
After twenty hours of travel, Alan, Gary, and Linda arrived in Phnom Penh tired, and needing sleep, so naturally they decided to go to church. Steven and Caroline Harvey and Michelle Murry took them to the afternoon ICF service (International Church Fellowship? I really have no idea. Sorry for those of you who need acronyms to stand for something). ICF holds an English speaking worship service on Sunday afternoon in Phnom Penh mainly for missionaries and Christian NGO workers who have been busy during their various morning churches, and need a chance to get together and worship the Lord in their heart language and culture. It was a good time to hear some preaching and witness the missions community in one place. After church they had a wonderful time just fellowshipping (or talking to keep themselves awake) with Michelle and the Harveys. Philip arrived later that evening unscratched (although not necessarily smelling his best) and Steve, Alan, and Gary picked him up at the airport.

Monday Nov. 17th

After an early breakfast (5:30, I'm not kidding, it's a good thing we've all got jet lag and can't sleep anyway) Michelle and we set off for Battambang. On the way we stopped off to spend some time meeting Nicolas and Luz Agustin, missionaries from the Guatemala Yearly Meeting who are working here in Cambodia. It was a real honor to meet these people who are such pioneers, not only pioneers in the sense of working with a fledgling church here, but also in terms of being the first missionary couple to come out of what was recently a missionary receiving yearly meeting. Please pray for them as they are having a rough time dealing with the separation from their children who have just returned to Guatemala to go to college. We also made a quick pit stop in Pray Svay and briefly met the church leader there, a man named Kang. We will be spending more time with him in a few days. This afternoon, we will be going to a youth service at the Battambang church which promises to be a great couple of hours. I'm really excited to get to know some of the people in our churches here. Then this evening we'll hang out with the Colfax family at their house after dinner. Please pray for energy for our team. With such a packed schedule, jet lag is bound get challenging as the week goes on. So far, I'm excited about everything I've heard in the last week.

Sorry, no pictures yet, but I'll put some up next time after I down load them.

1 comment:

Youth and Family said...

Look forward to hearing about the youth service.